Thursday 14 January 2016

Warning, This is a post about THE WEATHER!

So here we are in the first Month of the year and the UK is still being battered by Mother Nature. We have had weeks and weeks of rain and this has caused major disruption and heartache all over the Country, so much damage has been done, so much damage is still happening. My heart goes out to those going through it, pour souls. I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like. 

We had hay delivered on Monday in the pouring rain, and i really wasn't sure if the tractor would even succeed in getting through the muddy gateways, let alone get it in the field! But he did, he got through quite well, slipping a little but the farmer managed to navigate it well, problem is the land didn't manage and now we have quite a nice looking ditch which would look perfect with a pole placed each side for some XC practice!! YIKES, It's a mess at the moment with all the mud and water!! The horses are happy munching away on their roundbale of hay, they are looking good for all the wet weather, they are rugged but the hair on heir legs is so cute, fluffy right to the top . . . Hey i could do with some feathers actually! I am really looking forward to  nice dry day with maybe a bit of sunshine, that would be nice too, just so i can let them have their rugs off for a bit and roll and scratch ( It is Faaaaaaaar too wet and muddy at the moment to leave rugs off for a little while, first thing they will do GUARANTEED is to find the biggest deepest muddy puddle and ROLL IN IT! I know them all too well hahaha.

Today we woke to a covering of snow and it was below freezing temeratures, YIPEEEEEEEEEEEE the Mini Funky's shouted looking out of the window before breakfast "Can we go play in it?"
They asked. Woooooohoooo I shouted looking out of the window before preparing their breakfast, "The field should have frozen over and the mud won't be so deep, and with all the snow that's falling, it might actually clean their feet and feathers" I sang - I'm sure you horsey folks will also understand this :)

-Berry's in snow, taken in my garden today-

The sky is looking rather gloomy, and the wind is picking up again. I think we will have to brace ourselves for the next chapter of Mother Nature during Winter. I am so glad to see the back of all the rain, its got everywhere so dirty that white snow covering everything is amazing and so pretty. I couldn't resist but to go out in the garden (wrapped in 4 layers, hat, scarf, and wellies) I also dragged my cat out with me to play, she loves the snow and gets all hyper and excitable if you throw mini snowballs across the garden, bless her, her little paws must of been FREEZING!! We stayed out for a while and had a play and then i took pictures, by which time my fingers were almost  too numb to press the button on the camera. We decided it was time to go in and defrost our paws. I think for the School run i might try 5 layers, the temperature seems to be dropping quickly, the sky seems to look more and more moody. YIKES.

Look at that PINK NOSE <3 CUTE<3 

I read somewhere that we should prepare ourselves for a really harsh and very cold winter, below freezing, snow and high winds. Yikes again. Well if that be the case i suppose we best start preparing for being rather stuck in, i need to ensure that i stock up well, ensure that there is PLENTY, supplies and hide until spring arrives! Oh yeah, and stock up on food too, best not forget the food! I suppose i can't keep us all alive with art supplies on the table, must make sure i have plenty pulses and beans to see us through the ice age -
 - Oh and hey, you can also make art from them too ! Hahahhahahaha :)

Well i'm off to dig out the sledge, turn my Welly socks on the radiator ready to keep my tootsies warm, and check the food supply before i go and pick up the Mini Funky's. Hopefully Mother Nature won't be so brutal as the weather man insists she shall be. If we do end up in a mini Ice age then i shall ensure that we are prepared and have everything we need to survive it like real time cave people



Catch you all soon ~ Miss Funky <3

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