Saturday 26 December 2015

So this is Christmas, and what have we done?

Eeeeeeeeeeee WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooom . . . 
. . . Is it just me or does anyone else feel like it cannot possibly be

So the Funky household is in full Christmas HYPER  and well Miss Funky?

I just can't seem to get it this year, i have ideas why, but i have tried EVERY WAY possible to trigger at least the craving for yorkshire puddings and gravy and a pull of a few crackers with a few bad jokes thrown in, NOPE, Stil feel like scrooge. BUT i refuse to act like it so the Funky household has been in full Christmas crafty swing, we have made handmade cards, handmade decorations, played with glitter and glue until my hoover was farting rainbows . . . OH AND IT WAS! We have sang and danced to every song on Baby Funky's 3 disc Christmas CD, MANY times over may i add (Baby Funky is quite a lively musical kind of child). We have done alsorts and the children couldn't be more excited, well not without exploding  into a puff of glitter.

Every year, well since i started creating the Funky GeeGee's at the end of 2010 and into 2011 I have ALWAYS painted or drawn some Festive and Funky cartoons, Mainly becuase i felt the need to share a giggle with those who follow me. as a thank you for the year they have supported me in my FUNKY ventures :)

This year is no different, that's' how I made myself see it anyhow, and even though i have felt low on the Christmas spirit (by low meaning the run up to Christmas felt more like the end of a weekend and Monday morning shift and full week ahead to get through looms!!)
  i have not felt low on the Funky though, i try to always be a bit erm . . . FUNKY and so i have enjoyed creating this years Christmas specials and sharing them with my followers. And i hope they spread a GIGGLE out LOUD over the holiday period and bring many smiles.

So here we go ~ DRUM ROLL PLEASE for the 2015 Christmas GeeGee's :)

I wish you all the very best over this holiday period,

Love ~ Miss Funky (Stacy xxx)

Wednesday 9 December 2015

It's wild and windy with a chance of Christmas trees

WOW, It has been so wet and WINDY here in the North East of England,

  We have had weeks now of wind and rain with odd bit of snow thrown into the mix. Apparently it is another storm which has a name . .

. . .  A NAME? REALLY, is there any need? Just say STORMS, not a name of a storm which makes it into some sort of celebrity to be remembered, i mean lets remember here that we are talking about peoples lives and continuous damage happening, mother nature she can be wicked and i don't feel she needs a name to be known as such. My heart truely goes out to all of those affected.

With all the stormy weather we have been having there is nothing at all we can do with the ponies except check them through all the layers of mud for injuries or ailments and have rugs drying and changed like some sort of production line!!  It is literally terrible, the mud is up to your knees, the water sitting ontop of the roads and fields, streams and rivers swollen to the brim and in places it is over flowing into the nearby fields and it sits there with nowhere to go just acting as a mirror to the sky, quite beautiful with the Autumn colours around. I've been out with my Dad, we went up to the reservoir to see how full it was and had some great fun battling the wind. I feel ALIVE when the wind is battering you in the face, howling in your ears and making your cheeks roll into funny shapes, Mother nature, the very base of existence. How small we are to the world, feel that invisible force move you, takes your breath away . . . Literally!!

There were many tree's that had fallen on our route, that is when you realise
 mother natures pure invisible POWER . . . 

The reservoir was quite choppy with what my Dad described as white horses (Confused eyes looked at him, he meant the waves . . . 
 . . . Like white horses, ah i see, YES they are, beautiful white horses)

It just feels so right for me to be out there surrounded by nothing but fields after fields, woodland and open spaces surrounded by nature,very scattered houses few and far between, just sheep, cows, horses and pheasants PERFECT, it just feels so perfect, like i belong there, i'm home. Although that isn't true as i have always lived in towns, or big villages. Well apart from the years i treasure when i worked as a groom, but i suppose even with that being placed in the countryside, the majority of my work was done around people, either on the yard or at competitions and well when you are up in the middle of nowhere you can stand and breath and i dunno it just makes me feel amazingly enriched, like i'm free.

So what has the FUNKY brain been upto?

Well i have been busy creating some Festive GeeGee's, i have traditionally done this every year since i started creating my little cartoon characters back in 2011, they hopefully have improved over the years with extra layers of FUNKYNESS!! I am so much happier with my creations since i started creating them again  in pencils rather than paint, i feel like i can freely express the FUNKY side and i'm able to get the quirky little details in that i felt i couldn't manage to do with the Acrylics. Here is an example -

2011 Christmas paintings ~ Acrylic and ink on canvas sheet

2015 ~ Christmas drawings ~ Watercolour pencils and ink

As you can see there is a massive difference in the quality and also the ability with the few years practice i have had getting used to using my tools, trial and error, learning from mistakes, growing from inspiration, and believing that I CAN DO IT, even when I am struggling. This is probably the hardest part. Trying to keep going when all the odds are against you. I try and see it as a lesson.
 We NEVER stop learning, with many things in life and i hope one day i can look back onto the 2015 cartoons and say WOW look where i am now? I certainly can with the 2011 paintings and that makes me feel proud at what i have achieved and learned along the way, 'HAPPY WITH MYSELF' which i think is a hard thing for us humans to feel. 

We are always doubting ourselves or comparing ourselves aren't we? And by doing so all we really do is in-validate and doubt our own abilities and our own talents, our own passions. We cast a shadow over everything we do everything we try, everything we succeed.

 Comparing ourselves to others is like looking in the mirror and seeing a monster right behind your shoulder-
*Picture this- MONSTER, Tall and bulky, Sharp teeth, ten claws
 and eyes that are deciding on whether to have salt or pepper to marinade. 

-The problem with that is you will not dare to turn around, you feel driven closer to the mirror, standing there so close you see every defect possible that weighs up the odds between IT and YOU.

How can you possibly survive? I mean look at it there, right behind you, driving you to look into the mirror of your own reflection! The comparisons mean the odds are against you with such a monster right behind you shadowing every movement, every thought, every feeling. How can you move let alone breathe?

CHOICES ~ You can either look closely in that mirror or close your eyes and avoid it.
Or maybe you are ready to turn around and stare that Monster straight in the face and know
    . . . .  And no amount of doubt will stand in your way!!
See if we overcome our fear, if we look into that mirror and smile at what is facing us, if we turn around and look at that monster straight in the face, snots, bloody teeth, claws and all. Maybe we will find that actually that monster is our best teacher yet,?

Ask yourself this . . .

"What is it actually i fear?"

Let us look at 'FEAR' for a moment, Using the Monster as example.

THE MONSTER ~ It is right behind me? Is it on my shoulder? . . .   
 . . .Is it pushing and holding me physically or mentally? ~

THE MONSTER ~ What makes it look scary? What makes me fear it? Why do i feel pushed into the mirror to look at myself so closely with such intense scrutiny and compare myself so painfully?


THE MONSTER ~ What makes me look at it and stare at it? What stops me from closing my eyes and avoiding it? What makes me count up all the possibilities? What stops me from facing it and proving my own self worth, my own beliefs? What makes me doubt my own ability so much?
It is Me who creates the 
perception of this moment.
It is Me who is in control of my reality.
And there is ONLY ME who can overcome this fear.

Say that to yourself. 

Don't close your eyes and avoid it,
Turn around, FACE IT, and learn from it,
and then brush yourself off,
 stand tall,
 do what you LOVE
 and believe in it!



 By comparing ourselves to ONLY ourselves, without any comparison to others, then what we find is we GROW, we get better at our passion,skills and beliefs. We enjoy it, learn from it, grow from it.
This runs not only in our hobbies but also in our professional and everyday lives. 
At times when we need to ground ourselves and avoid these wicked and soul destroying comparisons, 
I mean-

-COME ON- Is anyone really PERFECT? 

 We all have our chance to shine if we are willing to learn, expand, accept limitations but express determination.
 SHINE and through shining we grow, always grow, we can only grow. 
The 'being' and 'spirit' that we ALL are is made to grow and glow.

 For when we shine, others too shine-

-And TOGETHER we can make the WORLD shine too.

Creativity and INDIVIDUALITY
 It is in us all, we are all born with an internal 
need to make our own mark . . .

 . . . What mark will you make??

Here is a poem i wrote a while ago, but it is still a one i re-read many times when needed. 
(Click on image to enlarge)

Now that i have got that off my chest i suppose you would like to know what the Funky GeeGee;'s have been upto? 

WELL, You wouldn't believe it if i told you . . . 

 I was walking with Mr Funky on our way to do a little shopping,when i couldn't believe my eyes as there was a lovely little pony trotting in front of us, if that was not strange enough to us we also noticed that this pony was wearing a Christmas jumper . . . Now that was strange!! We stood and watched as she trotted over the road to the post box and posted what looked like a Christmas card, HOW SWEET, I do hope that she remembered to write the postcode clear enough and has remembered to pop on a stamp. A very lucky Funky GeeGee shall be receiving a lovely card very soon by the looks of it, and judging by her fashion she is a very FUNKY GeeGee indeed!!

Later on as we were settling for the night, warm and cosy in our PJ's there was a tap on the door. I sent Mr Funky as it was freezing out there, when he opened the door he could not believe his eyes when there in front of him was the same little pony just Minus the Christmas jumper. Did he let her in i here you all ask? . . . .

 . . . OF COURSE HE DID, SOFTY! We also felt rather sorry for her so we let her wear Mr Funkys socks to warm her cold hooves up from the snow. All she wanted was to borrow a pencil and a piece of paper so that she could write her Christmas list and send it to Santa, 
Awwwwwwwwwww how cute!!

She stayed for a hot chocolate and we let her watch a movie with the Mini Funky's until their bedtime, after that she was ready to get back to her FUNKY friends and her warm straw filled stable where may i quote she commented -
"Where i don't need to learn to push a handle to cover up my droppings,
 or wrestle with a toilet seat so that i can sit down."

It was nice to have her round for a while, and we managed to get her list all written up and ready, all i will say is i hope Santa has an extra big sleigh to fit what this pony is asking for in all of his sacks!

Well i'm off to find my warm quilt and pillow filled stable ready for another no doubt wet and windy day. I have quite a bit to do this week with Christmas preperations and OH YEAH that small matter of putting up the Christmas tree which i have been asked to do for over a fortnight now off the Mini Funky's (Bless them) I have promised it will be going up on Friday when i get it all out from storage and say "Here we go again" as i realise yup, indeed, here we go again.
Next week is a busy one with end of term and Christmas school stuff, so i probably wont get much time to do my cartoning, but i will make time to create a few more festive ones so pop back to see them, or follow my facebook page.

Catch up soon <3 Miss Funky

Friday 20 November 2015

Christmas Swing Dress

I couldn't resist, SORRY :) :)

See the thing is my Facebook wall has been full of these dresses lately, ads and pictures and well it just had to be done!! . . . 

 . . . And well these GeeGee's are rather fashion conscious you know?!! OK i think we can all agree that this particular GeeGee doesn't seem best pleased with her owners choice of turnout rug, LOL. 

Saturday 3 October 2015

Here we go again, the IMAGINATION is on FIRE wooohoo, lets do this :)

HELLO . . . So the Summer has ended and WOW what fun we have managed to squeeze into it, Just the Kids and Ponies and spending time with all those people who are really important to me. Especially my BESTEST friend (You know who you are <3 ). We even had a seaside trip away for the weekend to Whitley Bay and the weather couldn't of been better!! We LOVE going to Whitley Bay EVERY YEAR . . . It is something we have done every year since Mini Funky was a tiny Baby, and we have continued to visit every Summer now with Baby Funky too. It is one of those places that just fills you with a sense of peace.

Whitley Bay ~ St Mary's lighthouse

But back to school now, TERM TIME!!  The kids have got back into their routine of getting up on a morning and putting clean uniforms on, instead of the tracksuit bottoms, jods, or jeans we spent the majority of our summer wearing.
We still manage some time after school to fit in a quick hack, or a short lesson. But the nights are quickly drawing in and well soon it will be weekends only for the Mini Funky's :(
They have been learning about safety and low light, and we ensure that we can be seen when we are out on a hack.

Baby Funky and Sparky

So what have I been keeping my busy fingers doing whilst the kids are at school? . . .

  . . . Well it took me about 2 weeks to get the house back to what resembled a family home, instead of the Alladin's cave that it had become (Although it was not treasure you would find, more likely an odd sock or empty juice carton. Look hard enough you will probably find a stale biscuit and maybe a half packet of crisps!).  I have however managed to squeeze in some time for a nice hack out on my friends pony Toby, and do some lunging and longreining with Sparky to try and keep her in shape.
I'm failing miserably, and need to up her work some more and i've had to seriously restrict her intake of this lush Autumn grass we seem to have, Even Smurf has had to come in for a few hours to eat some hay and take a break for the seemingly PREMIUM GRASS GROWTH we have going on at the moment. We have very gassy GeeGee's on our yard at the moment!

Out for a hack looking over the countryside surrounding us.

I have also been keeping my creative brain active with some busy book work, I had the rough draft done, i just needed to read it and let the story flow to me (Well after a whole pack of jaffa cakes and an un-countable amount of coffee, but it came!) once written, it was that vital proofreading and basic edit stage, the stage where a short book becomes a feature length novel, and then of course you have the next installment and the installment after that rattling around up there too.  As i am reading my manuscript i have ideas of pictures wizzing round that i have to quickly sketch down the idea before another takes its place. It's very busy in Miss Funky's brain at the moment, but things are moving forward and productive and I have to say i cannot wait to get cracking building this book up and seeing it come to life.  It was so amazing the first time, the journey, the learning, the experience, the imaginative freedom to live in the Funky GeeGee world through my book creation. The frustrations, the tears and the tantrums which somehow all came together and i released my first book ~
The truth about PONIES. And i cannot WAIT to share the second installment with you all in the near future.  I shall share my journey, share my joys, and no doubt STILL tears and tantrums, however maybe milder? . . .I have to remind myself :


      Above all believe i can do it, and it will get done!!

And on that note i am off to bed to dream it's process,
Night all xx
LOVE ~ Miss Funky <3

Saturday 15 August 2015

All Summer long, Ponies,Ponies,Ponies

Summer has been so much fun so far!!

  It really has been brilliant this last couple of month and even though the weather has been Up and Down well we have done what we can, and made the most of every moment possible.
 Usually i find the Summer holidays stressful near the end as we are running out of ideas of things to do, the kids are becoming bored and i'm tired of kid refereeing and "I'm Bored". But this year it needs to SLOW DOWN because we are having waaaaaaaay too much fun for there only to be a few weeks left!! I think having Sparky pony this year has been the best thing ever and we have sooooo many more summers to enjoy!

So what have we been upto since my last post?

Well it's probably easier to show you . . . 

As you can see it has been jolly good fun.  We have also been out to a local playzone, the park, visited grandparents, done some arts and crafts . . . AND we have booked our first holiday together as a family since Baby Funky was just 2 years old, it is well OVERDUE!! So we are off for a long weekend break to a seaside resort in our caravan as a little family, we are sooooo EXCITED!!

What about the GeeGee's? WELL ACTUALLY i do have news.  I have rounded them up from their freedom to roam and we have all gathered in the kitchen 

(Of course all the best ideas are made in the kitchen haha). 

I forgot how cramped it gets in here with all these nobberly knees and 'can't keep still' fetlocks. And the flatulance from the Summer grass (OMG). And then there is the trying to get some order from the chaos . . . MY WORD!! IMPOSSIBLE AT TIMES!!

BUT we have worked on the plan, in a rather in-cohesive and messy manner, but we have decided on the way in which we shall bring the next book together with the next loaded secrets and humour from the SSCMH. The arguments already over who will make it onto the book cover and who will star in the trailer are unbearable. I thought the Mini Funky's were bad for bickering ! But these GeeGee's will give any child a run for their money!

So yep we have the next book cogs all working, and its the exciting building from the base part that I and the GeeGee's will now embark on.  An adventure to unfold with giggles guaranteed.
The next page of secrets from the SSCMH Equine revolution plan will soon be available for the Humans to get their hooves on.  I shall keep you all updated with the exciting journey . . .

 . . . Well thats if i can stop these GeeGee's from eating the manuscript!! I only ask them for 1 hr a day to participate in our brain storming activity, and plans for this project.  The whole time is spent distracting them from eating or sulking from their time spent away from the grass!! Gosh the bellies on them all they are hardly starved!! These GeeGee's they take some keeping in order, choas is always just a hoof print away!!

Here is an Illustration i have just finished, very typical of the GB weather!! . . .

 . . . GREAT BRITISH HACKING ~ A3 Watercolour pencil on paper

Great British hacking ~ A3 Watercolour pencil on paper ~ By Stacy Green (Miss Funky)

Enjoy the rest of your Summer, <3 Love Miss Funky <3

Wednesday 22 July 2015

We are on our SUMMER holidays, and although it aint SUNNY al the time, when it is we make the most of it!


 . . . we have made it,school term time IS OVER Wooooohooooo . . . 

 . . . and now we have 6 weeks to relax and enjoy the simple things in life.  And well most of our time is going to be spent out in the fresh country air with the GeeGee's.  I feel calmer, more grounded and happy when i'm around the horses. I dont feel so raaaaaaaaaaaaaaar, more ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :D

 I love poop picking the field,watching the birds as they flutter by or sit singing in the hedgerows. It is so peaceful, so good for the runaway mind. And just watching the horses grazing or playing in the fields is better than any Tv show or you tube video. I just feel like 'me' when i'm at the stables. Whole again.

The Funky's ABSOLUTELY love it, they have so much space to run around, climb, play.  It's a chance for them to make like minded friends as there are other kids on the yard and they all seem to get along great (well as great as can be expected from a small group of 5-8 year olds hahahaha). It was lovely watching them play farmers the other day, they had a sack barrow and 2 haynets filled with hay, they swept 2 stables and pretended to put down the straw and then hung the haynets. Bless them they were so cute!! They potter on, and are getting much better at imaginary play together.

The Funky's riding is coming on lovely too, and they have been practicing really hard on their riding position and balance ready for a little local show we entered couple weeks ago.  They were brilliant, we had a perfect day and everything they had worked so hard on payed off for them as they come home with two 4ths and a special. Bless them they were thrilled. I was emotional, anxious, excited, proud, scared, anxious, anxious, anxious, anxious . . . . Infact the Funky's made it look so easy, they giggled and smiled, and had a happy vibe coming from them, My anxiety then seemed silly, Ho could they be braver than me? Come on, Sort yourself out and make this an adventure to remember i told myself!!  And with Mr Funky also with us, snacks, and lots of photos.  We all had a brilliant day.  Im so glad we went, although for 2 days afterwards i could barely walk and felt drained. I must have walked about 15 mile or more round trip to the show and back ( i walked there with girls from the yard, was a lovely route through the countryside). Consiquently i gave sparky 2 days off, i couldnt face lunging or leading and i was betting she was feeling much like me too!! We both deserved a rest!

Here are a couple of photos from our day. 
This pony is special in a million different ways, She is a true family pony.

It was brilliant really really brilliant, I loved every minute of it and through every emotion i smiled with pride at my two angels who are  truely enjoying life, living in this moment with no thought of the next. No expectations, just experiences and adventures. They had worked hard and they had learned that hard work pays off, and living in the moment makes happy memories . .  .And well there were plenty of those made on this particular day. :) Im so proud.  And above all we are so thankful for having Sparky pony in our lives, she is truely one in a million. Such a special part of our lives.

Summer holidays we plan to spend lots of time up the stables.  On rainy days i have some crafty ideas we can do.  I could do with a crafty afternoon it has been a long time since i have had any crafty time.  Here are some piccies of me doing a little commision for a friend of a friend.  Her daughters pony had crossed rainbow bridge and she wanted to giver her something special.  She asked me if i would paint something and i said i would try but im not very good at realism.  She said she loved my style and wanted it like another one she had of her own horse painted by me. So i set off to capture a moment that felt special was full of empathy but also had a feeling to it, hopefully a good memory trigger.  My instructions were PINKS and PURPLES. Now that is TOTALLY fine with me, I love those colours!!  It actually turned out well, and i was pleased with it when i handed it over.  Its the only thing creative ive done for a while so at some point im going to fit in an art and craft day with the kids.  Get my creative brain woke up a little.

Hope you all enjoy your summer.  Catch up after the holidays.

Stay safe and lets hope for some SUNSHINE and warmer days :)

Love ~ Miss Funky

Saturday 27 June 2015

Summer Holiday HERE WE COME!

Hello, hope everyone is ok :) 

 We are all ok here in FUNKY towers !!  This year seems to be zoooooming by!! It only seems 2 mins since new year and here we are going to find ourselves very shortly in the middle of the summer!! WOW. But we have not been blessed with the best of the weather and it is really annoying because it spoils a good day when the wind feels -2 degrees yet the sun is trying to be 20!! And although the grass is thriving, my flowers in the garden are only just starting to flower, the strawberry plants are slowly getting their flowers and the weeds well they are having a blast!!

So how are the GeeGee's?

Well they are doing great, Smurf is filling out lovely and although two next month he looks like a well rounded yearling, I knew when i first got him that he was going to need that extra love and care as he was only a few weeks old and needed his mum at this vital time in his life but unfortunatly things turned bad for him and if it hadn't of been for fate then he would not be here today.  What a shame as he is such a beautiful pony!!!
Smurf chocolate buttons ~ Rising 2 years.

 I will leave him until he is around 5 years old before i do anything with him really.  Until then he is slowly learning how to be a horse as he has spent so much time baby with me as his support, now he needs to learn to be part of a herd!! Bless him this has not been without its difficulties but im hopeful that we have it sorted now and as long as Sparky pony (kids little pony) is there with him he is fine.  However Sparky pony has got too fat and ive had to take her out and pop her in fat paddock with another chunky monkey so smurf now has only his new friends to rely on and cant hug sparky (Im sure she is glad of the break).

Both ponies have new fly rugs :

Both now . . . .Hmmmmmmmm, Rug fairies APPARENTLY??

Well I am not sure about that!! But PONIES will be PONIES and well i suppose it comes with the territory!! But COME ON?!!

So what else have we been up to apart from sitting listening to different takes on where the rug fairies come from?? 

Well there has been plenty riding, lots of poop picking and a whole heap of washing!! But as for creativeness, well not so much.  I have started researching for my next book but so far words have not appeared in a cohesive way in shape of a book ready to illustrate, but it will!!

In the meantime i have been playing in the form of teaching the kids the joys of PONY OWNING!! We have done a little bit of everything and well progress is very good and based around fun and having fun :)  

As you can see we have filled in the summer that we have kind of had so far with 'something'.  It has been hard trying to fit it in because the weather really hasn't been on our side at all, but we have tried to forgive it and do what we can when we can, and well we are seeing progress and well an increasingly plump pony!! So much so that i have had to start riding her so that we can shift a few of them extra calories!! Really tough to do if your only 8 years old but i can get her out further and in different places and school her and i also longrein her alot too just to keep her fitness up because she really NEEDS it!!

 Out hacking bless her she loved it  we went through the woods <3

Cartooning/illustration anything???

nope BUT i have planned some for the near future, I shall probably get some cartooning squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezed into the next few weeks, I am hopeing to be inspired by our first little show next month. Eeeeeeeek im so nervous, the kids are so excited and the pony . . .She is BEAUTIFUL <3 

Im really anxious about it, im trying to get myself together so im not flapping, i have been loaned some beautiful things for the kids to wear on the day, and my Sister has bought me a beautiful jacket to wear.  My partner is excited to come and watch and see how the kids have progressed, he is coming armed with the camera to capture our precious memories.  YIKES im just like jelly on a plate, but im trying to get everything together WELL AND TRUELLY in advance!! So all i needed was couple of ties that im going to dress up with diamontees, ive got a lovely browband borrowed from friend it is red, blue and silver so ties will come in with that.  Also Baby Funky will wear little pigtails (Awwwwwww CUTE ALERT) matching little Sparkys browband :D Awwwwwww :)  Both little Funkies are going to look MEGA cute, and Sparky pony hopefully will be shiny clean on the day, and she is naturally just GORGEOUS (I know im biast). We have been practicing hard, and Sparky has been testing us every time with her over exuberance when it comes to food . . . . Cheeky cheeky!! PONIES HUH???

We have moved to a new yard, we moved a few months agao and both ponies have settled so well, its like we have been there all along.  The people on the yard have very quickly become friends and are really lovley people who all have beautiful horses and enjoy doing the things that we enjoy.  Horse agility is new to us, and also new to the others on the yard and yet we have all had a go and enjoyed it and im looking forward to the future here and how we can all progress and have loads of fun with it.  There are some beautiful horses on the yard, I get the opportunity to ride a few of them and i feel so privileged to be able to have this opportunity now.  It all feels like it was meant to be, i have learned a few harsh lessons throught he process and learned that things can change.  But sometimes as scary as the change is, as hurtful as it seems . .. . Better things come, a new route, a new pathway to lead you closer to your true heart and your passion.  I feel so much happyer now, and the ponies are THRIVING!! Smurf is getting so grown up now, he is loosing all his baby traits and part of a herd now means some of the natural instincts he lacked he has gained.  He is slowly learning how to be HORSE and Sparky is busy teaching the kids HORSEMANSHIP.  All in all we are having an AMAZING TIME.  Both ponies are looking really well and im feeling very much OPTIMISTIC about the future with my Young Potential Equestrians!! Memories to last a lifetime!!

Catch up very soon <3 Miss Funky xxx

Friday 10 April 2015

Easter holidays are almost over time to get cartoon brain switched on

Sooo the Easter break is coming to an end, and we have been blessed with sunshine for the last week that makes you think THANK GOODNESS IT'S SPRING!!

We had a fab Easter, Binged on faaaaaaarrrrr too much chocolate, and have enjoyed our time together.

We have also had a very very busy fortnight, and we have filed it with a bit of allsorts! We have done egg hunts (many) we have had a 'chalk' day (Lets just say my garden and fence are very colourful until we get some rain!) We have been out for walks and scooter rides (Miss Funky on foot as I am yet to get a scooter, BUT i think i will one day. They seem such fun and i'm missing out on it), We have painted, cut and pasted, and done many a thing to stop the dreaded "Im bored".

We have had MANY of a pony afternoon, and also a worrying time when we thought that Sparky (The kids pony) was in foal as i havent had her that long and well lets say over this last few weeks she seemed to get VERY BIG . . . VERY QUICK!! And she had us all thinking she was in need of maternity leave from her childcare duties and summer of fun planned. BUT after a vet check (poor pony) haha GULP !! It seems that it is EXERCISE she needs!! She even had the vet fooled, she was sure looking at her the way it was all on her belly and seemed to move to one side. BUT NOPE . . .  NO FOAL Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!! We really are relieved because we are in no position to offer 3 ponies a home, and its all a big worry a baby on the way.  But nope now i may plan an exercise regime and our spring and summer can carry on as planned. We want to get to grips with Horse Agility and lots of fun with that. Also I'm really looking forward to teaching the children to ride, and they are at a brilliant age where the lessons can be structured around fun and fun and

 erm . . .FUN :) Oooo PONY FUN, BEST KIND OF FUN. Can't wait for the children to enjoy it too.
And Sparky is perfect for them, and they are bonding lovely in the few month we have had her.

This pony is just such a sweety too, She is so quiet and lovely natured.

Lets not forget the MAIN MAN though . . He is growing up soooo quick. He is casting his coat at the moment so he resembles a tatty teddy but he does look much cleaner because under all them colours there is a white coat hahaha !!

So this weekend we are going to be spending getting our brains back into gear for work and school.  The children are going to do a little story about their Easter break and draw a few pictures. And I have been doodling some ideas, and writing down ideas ready to get going with the second book in my SSCMH book series. I have also had a bit of a play with my remaining paints on a painting for my very good friend who has helped me alot and has been an absolute star in many ways. I wanted to give her something special to say thankyou, She loves sheep so i knew what i wanted to create it was just not something i normally do or have done . . .A challange,


 So challenged I was and created it became well EVENTUALLY after many Grrrrr's n Rrrrrrr's and other things in between hahaha.

Meet Larry the sheep (Named by my good friend Kay)

The children are back to school on Tuesday so i will be back to the drawing/writing board
VERY SOON. Until then im soaking up the sun, and enjoying the time out in it while i can. APPARENTLY RAIN IS DUE :( Never mind, we have had a good week of almost a summer in spring so we cannot complain. Soon the days will hopefully stay warm and dry and the days are longer so that means more time to enjoy OUTSIDE in that great mind clearer called the fresh air and countryside :)

Well i'm off to hit my pillows hard with my head, im dragging my feet round i feel so tired tonight. But soon i shall be sitting for many hours so I will not complain about that either <3

Catch you all soon, Enjoy your GeeGee's and that uplifting thing 
called SUNSHINE <3 Miss Funky

Sunday 29 March 2015

A Week published WOW Zooooom!!

So a week has passed, And wow has that gone QUICK!! 

The Easter holidays are now upon me YIKES where is my helmet? I have lots to plan to keep the Mini Funky's entertained and to avoid the dreaded "I'm bored"!! So the GeeGee's have been placed back into the sketchbook as i cannot be dealing with their antics too, the mess is enough as it is!!  So for the next couple of weeks it will be googley eyed ponies away and googley eyed eggs out!!

Here was my attempt for the school parents DECORATED EGG competition. Baby Funky insisted that I create FROZEN !!??? I seriously had Noooooo idea where to start with that one, But those eyes from Baby Funky "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease" well . . . I couldn't not try, so try I did and well other than Elsa who just was not meant to be (broken twice) BUT I didn't give up and i managed to create Olaf and Sven.  They were hard enough to do i shall leave Elsa for another day!!

Olaf and Sven Hahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahaha . . . . 

This next week we have a day trip out planned.  Lots of 'pony' days and an attempt at stripping some of a certain coloured FURRY cobs coat out.  All im doing really is moving His hair from HIM to ME!!

We also must make our Easter cards for Nanna's and Granda's, So messy fun one day with the PVA Glue and some Easter embelishments. Fun, Fun, Fun.

I'm also hopeing that the weather is on our side this weekend too as we have an Easter egg hunt planned and well it wont be much fun in coats and wellies in 2ft of mud!! Ooooooo ACTUALLY that sounds like FUN,FUN,FUN!!

Soooo the GeeGee's are away for now, crunching on carrots and chilling out for a week or so, and then it will be back to the dawing board to release BOOK 2 SECRETS :)


Enjoy the holidays Love Miss Funky <3

Sunday 22 March 2015

Wow and what a weekend

So Sunday night and all is quiet upon the FUNKY household :)

Its been a very emotional weekend. COR BLIMEY HAS IT!! From Friday onwards has been a rollercoaster of every emotion rolled into one big round bale and then rolled down a big steep hill.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . . . .

 . . . But here I am and it is Sunday night and I'm sat with a smile still upon my face and i'm wondering actually how to stop smiling so much because my cheeks are beginning to hurt :D 
But smile i must as i am so proud to see them googley eyed ponies out there in the big wide world :) I hope many enjoy their story as it unfolds.

I have read it over and over and the HIGHLIGHT OF MY WEEKEND has been to sit with the children and read it to them on their tablet. Mini Funky grasped the story really well, He said that it was about the ponies of the world teaching children how to be caring and loving. How there would be plenty carrots to share with EVERYONE.  He said if the boys and girls are naughty then the ponies are naughty. And Ponies are REALLY REALLY FUNNY (Yes I think we can all agree there can't we) Baby Funky is a little young to quite grasp it yet but She enjoyed the rhythm to the story and she giggled at the illustrations which as a Mum brings tears straight to your eyes, when your children sit next to you snuggled in tight and you are reading them YOUR story on a tablet  OMG I'm just rather overwhelmed with emotions and pride i think would be the words!! 

 So lots of giggles have been had. As well as some amazing messages of encouragement from some special people who have shared my adventure as i chased my dream. So everytime i have opened my inbox i have had to make sure that i have tissues next to me at the ready, i'm just blown away by everyone's response. THANKYOU SO MUCH TO YOU ALL.

So i'm going to give myself a couple of weeks off to enjoy the Easter holidays with the children and to spend some time with the Ponies hopefully with Mr Sunshine wearing his big bold hat like He has today, It has been a beautiful day and I even seen my first ladybird this year . . . .SPRING COMING SOON TO A GARDEN NEAR YOU :D 

So after the Easter break I shall be getting back to the drawing board and back with the pen and paper and i will be trying to pull all these ideas wizzing round like a merry go round into some form ready for the second book i have planned in the series.  

So a little creative break to let my brain recover some. Although it is not a complete creative break as I have just been informed tonight by Baby Funky that she wants me to enter the parent egg decorating competition!!  Soooo tomorow i shall be busy busy boiling eggs and making them into something GREAT. Hmmmmm I'm yet to decide what and Baby Funky cannot make up her mind.  So GREAT isn't too GREAT at the moment but I am ever hopeful for some Eggy brainwave to come of some 3D masterpiece :)  I will keep you informed on how it goes :)

Well I'm off now to make a cuppa, put my feet up and watch some TV I have a busy week ahead with end of term stuff before the Easter break and I would like to try and organize my hazard zone . . .

 . . . I mean HOUSE ready for them to probably just turn upside down and inside out whilst they are off. But hey ho that's just how it goes!

Catch up soon <3 Miss Funky.