Friday 28 December 2012

Now lets onto 2013 with a KABOOOOM !!


Our Christmas was Fantastic, Santa has well and truelly spoilt our children . . . .Next year I aim to leave him some bricks and mortar with his Biscuits and Juice so he can build us a darn extention !! . . .  . . In a new build with limited storage and space . .  . .
. . .. Where the heck does He expect us to put it all ? ?
Now there is a house near us up for rent . . .There lies a possibility !! ? OK OK, Just kidding, I mean it wouldnt really be fare would it hahaha !!
Christmas day in the Funky household was not a step away from MANIC !! . . . .My word, Im sure both Mr Funky and I are now fully qualified engineers and production line staff !!
Every single thing required batteries, was tied in the box with billions of wires and strings, had little bits to add or stickers needed, required building, or was so darn noisy One could not concentrate on building for such an incoherant racket !!!
 Ok I'm sounding like I begrude it . . . .I don't . . . .Its all part of the day and i simply LOVE IT :)
The whole family together, all smiles, eagerness, giggles and gratefulness for the fact we are all here together . . . .On such a special day, but also throughout our lifetimes so far !!
Dinner was delicious, and I must admit that on this occasion my eyes were far bigger than My belly !! My word we were spoilt for choice with what was on the menu, the kids absolutely loved it, and thoroughly enjoyed pulling crackers, fizzy pop in wine glasses so they looked like the grown ups, and chatting around the table, It was a fantastic day !!
Boxing day we had another Fab day, and we visited the Family we couldnt see on Christmas day, it was like another Christmas, we all had a lovely time . . . .And left simply EXHAUSTED !!
So after a few days to just relax and enjoy time off, I have had time to think of my plans with the Funky GeeGee's in the coming 2013 . . . . .
Firstly on the Agenda is the Extension to the already very popular
This collection that was Launched in 2012 has hit the shelves with a BANG And has become increasingly popular amongst not only Horsey fans but just simply FANS OF COBS !!!
Lets Face it though . . . . . Cobs are fantastic :) !!!! 
So I will be increasing the collection further with even more GIGGLES In the
And I can Guarentee . . .You will Love em :)
Whilst working on the Cobs collection it has given me the opportunity to reminiss over my
 Cob owning days.  I remember them well, I have owned a few cobs over the years but my favourite Cob will always be My little COBSTAR Rowan :)
I loved this pony, together I learned so so much, He was one of them ponies once you had met him . . . .He would not allow you to forget him in a hurry !!  He was the perfect best friend and we had some great adventures together, and fun by the bucketloads !!
Rowan :)
I am running a Cob theme over the next few weeks on the Funky GeeGee's Facebook page and so far I have met some SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL . . .Cobs from some of my very lucky Cob Owning fans !!
They are simply lovely Animals, aren't they !!
So then What other plans has my head been exploding
with for 2013 ? ?
Well I have many cartoon sketch creations lined up in my sketchbook
( Ok I admit it, No darn sketchbook, just a whole heap of tatty stacked peices of paper, carfully piled and stuffed in every nook and craney within the home office !!)
  I must must must learn to be more tidy !! Ah whats the point . . . .Its more fun coming across them months later and going . . . .Oooooo Now there is an Idea !! :) 
I am going to be bringing some of these to life over the next year, as well as the Hilarious seasonal pictures still to come !!
Im also just working on the final details of An exiting new book I hope to launch in 2013 Staring all your favourite Funky GeeGee's and plenty GIGGLES  GUARENTEED!!
On top of that I have some charity work lined up, featuring some very lovable characters that will help a very worthy cause. More details to follow !!
I also have a You tube video I am hoping to create and Launch in Springtime 2013 which I hope will inspire many to be . . . . A little bit FUNKY :)
Im also proud to sponsor Many worthy Charity's and Worthy events Again this year,
 Including The Gracie Donague charity events which supports
MS And Help for Heroes Charities.
Havering Pony Club Summer Camp. 
Gentle Carousel Miniature Horses.
And more to be announced when finalised.
(If you run a Charity Event I have a couple of slots available for sponsorship for 2013)
I hope that I can spread even more GIGGLES throughout 2013 AND HELP EVEN MORE WORTHY CAUSES !! !!
I really am looking forward to 2013,
 I hope you are too It's a . . . 
. . . NEW YEAR
Well I best get back to the Mayhem !! 
Apparently Im required to read another set of Instructions that are aimed at people with a degree in Manufacturing or something !!!
I must say, some of these toys really could have instructions that explained themselves in a simpler form Couldn't they ? ? !!
All part of the fun . . . .I keep telling myself lol !!
Love and Hugs
                                       Miss Funky x

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Hidden Secret Society of Cunningly Secretive Mischief Hunting Horses !!


HO . .  HO . . . HO  !!!  

Man in the Redsuit 


  Ok so in one word how to describe me at this moment in time is . . . . .
            . . . . . .  AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH !!!!
Is that a word ? ? I'm not even sure it is . . . . BUT Lets try it again see how it sounds . . . .
Yep, Better.  I suppose we can just 'LET IT' be a word, after all we all say it enough don't we ?!!
But this time of year, I find I say it more mainly due to been so busy with juggling school events, with after school events, Planning, and preparing, Playing Elf, and introducing Santa, creating magic, and re living childhood and of course keeping hold of my sanity  !!
SO . . . . Ive decided i would quite like to be a child if that would be ok !!
Im going to build myself a TIME MACHINE and zoom back to being 5 . . . . Why not ?
I mean my 5 year old for instance has the life of piggin riley !! . . . .
 . . . . . He gets to eat, sleep, play when He likes,
 He can paint when he likes ( <--When 'HE' likes, GET THAT ??  . . . . . Wish i could !! )
 He can make as much mess as he likes, and turn on His selective hearing as Mammy yells
"tidy up" and, ends up doing it anyway . . . . .  Just as He likes !!
He has a bedroom full of cool toys which never get touched, That apparently he liked !!
A wardrobe full of clothes that actually fit . . . . . Just as he likes !!  ( Get that . . . ACTUALLY FIT !! . . . Whats that ? Mine are all either belted tight, or causing harm to my circulatory system !)
He has a healthy balanced diet,  freshly cooked for Him . . .  .He swears He doesn't like !!
I MEAN . . . . COME ON !!!  Why the heck did we have to grow up  ?? Where's the fun in that ?
What I mostly want to be 5 for, is for that MAGIC !! That bottom of the gut exitement, as you wait in anticipation for that Bubbly old man in his festive Red suit !!
I remember the build up well. . . . . Eeeeeek have I been good ? ?
And then there is the snow . . . . .COME ON, PLEASE SNOW !!
Which then leads to the FUN . . . . . . SNOWBALL FIGHT !!!!
Which leads to the Bubbly cold Man in his ice suit . . . . . .SNOWMAN !!!!
And of course pinching a carrot from your Mothers fridge . . . . . . . . CHEERS !!
And then of course there is all the school stuff, Ample Arts and Crafts, singalongs and of course practicing hard for your . . . . . NATIVITY, when you get your 'ONE SHOT' At been the best Shepard or Angel you can be, perhaps you will give a gift of Humiliated !! As you trip on entrance, get your wings caught in the cross fire, find a bogey through the song, or of course the One time favourite . .                                .  . . . . . .FALL OFF THE STAGE !!
BUT the real magic begins when that final bell goes for the half term . . . . . . 2 WEEKS OFF FOR CHRISTMAS . . . .  WOOOOOHOOOOO !!! (  <-- Well that dont happen No-more !!) 
And from then on its just pure and simply MAGIC !!
So then . . . . .Obviously the above aint gunna happen to me anytime soon !!
 I am far from 5 ( Not too far, but far enough ) and  I cannot build that darn time machine because i aint a MAD SCIENTIST, CRAZY INVENTOR, OR BLINKIN MILLIONAIRE !!

                             ( Well the Mad and Crazy bit, perhaps that is debatable )
But what I have got the ability to do, is capture some of that MAGIC back, through My gift i have been blessed My beautiful children.
 They are at that age, when the Christmas magic is as real . . . . .
                                               . .  as a Bubbly man stuck in ya chimney !!
So  the Mini Funkies and I have been doing lots of things in the run up to the festive month. We have decided that recycle is better than buying new . . . . . . IT'S A RECESSION YOU KNOW !!!
So first things on the Agenda are cards, I aint buying them . .  ..NOPE !!  Every year we recieve so many cards we  almost resemble the rainforest in our living room, swamped down in a mountain of cards, paper string and blu - tak !! There are always some fantastic designs and They are soooooooooo cute, I LOVE CHRISTMAS CARDS DO YOU ? ?

 But out of all the cards we recieve the ones that REALLY STAND OUT Are the handmade ones, with care, with thought, with consideration !!

 For that 5, 10, 15 minutes of someones time, you were the centre of that persons thought . .
 . . . How AMAZING IS THAT ? ?  A card completely made for you,with part of you already in it !!
(At this point i should probably put my Business hat on and say . . . . HANG ON . . . .Cant find it !!
  . . . Oh there, RIGHT, Funky GeeGee's also offer Handmade cards, they start at £5 each, painted with your choice of Funky Cartoon horse, embelishments, the works . . . .GLITTER ? ? OH YEAH !! And Handmade with care ? . . . . OF COURSE, AND . . . Not only handmade with care, but Giggles, Love, Excitement and well . . . . A HEAP OF  FUNKY MADNESS !! )
We have had great fun, weve gone through 2 bottles of PVA glue ( One spilled . . . .Clummit ME !!)
Lots of glitter ( Henry the hoover has since requested a payrise or he is leaving me !), shingles, sequins, embelishments off all of last years greatfully recieved cards (See recycle !!)
For obvious reasons, i want them to be a suprise for the recipients !!
This week we will be starting with some special little inexpensive handmade gifts for Grandma's . . . HeHe i am having so much fun !!

  See you dont have to be 5 to feel it, it is still there, deep inside us all is untold Magic !!
                                           All ya gotta do is re-light it !!
So then I  hear you ask . . . . What have the Funky GeeGee's been upto in preperation for the Bubbly man in the Festive red suit ? . . . .

                                          . . . . . . WELL, You wouldnt beleive it !! 
This week we had our first Snowfall, Kids loved it, we got all giddy as you do,
 threw a few snowballs at each and took the Hyper pooch for a walk with the camera,
                                                 Here you go . . . .  SNOW . . . . WOOOHOOOO !!
                                                   BUT Nothing prepared us for this !!
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT !! . . . . Well there you have it !! . .
 . . .NOW YOU KNOW !!.
  . .  .Why, when your Horses and ponies come in from the field,
         Their rugs are thoroughly soaked through !!
So next time you go out with your sledge, do remember there is something about our GeeGee's . . .

So do prepare your eyes for when you next press that button, on that camera,
                                 to capture that pretty robin on that pretty branch . . . .
                                              . . . . . . YOU MAY SEE THIS !!!!

And if you are very quiet, Shhhhhhhhhhh . . . .

You may even see this !!

So, Hopefully we are now all in the Festive Happy Spirit and we can enjoy that re-lit Magic
with all those that are most special around us,
 Perhaps with a little HOMEMADE Magic thrown in too ? ? :)

Most of all lets  remember the Ones who can no longer share that Christmas Magic with us, Christmas time in Heaven and boy i wish i could just visit for an hour.  I  know that i will especially Miss my Granda, it's the second Christmas without him and it is no easier than the First,
 I Miss him so much and all the quirks that came with him, like his wacky christmas sweaters knitted by my Gran, happily recieved but not so happily worn . . . Poor Man lol.
 And then there were of course the stories,Christmas pasts and Memories shared, 
 I will also never forget the true meaning of Christmas, told from a wise Man with 100% true belief in his Religion, i will always be thankful for them building stones in life something we must learn from a very early age . . .

 We need open Our hearts not Our eyes and listen . . .

 . . . .. Have a bit of faith,
find  Hope,look deep within our dreams
Discover your MAGIC
 and rest assure that peace will come,
all we  gotta  do is 

BELEIVE !! . . . .

And most of all . . .


'Porthowl to Infinity' By Stacy Green

Well thats me, gunna have to go hunt for the loo roll before i flood the laptop keyboard !!
Lets hope I can find one quick as a Certain Baby Funky is worse than the Andrex puppy for hiding them from me, Yes Yes . . . . Funny game, but my washing machine drum is no place to be putting a heap of velvet !!
Well let me take this opportunity to say . . . .
                                     OH YES  . . . . . NEARLY FORGOT . . .
 . . . Watch out for them

Hidden Secret Society of Cunningly Secretive Mischief Hunting Horses !!
                                                                                      Miss Funky xx