Friday 10 April 2015

Easter holidays are almost over time to get cartoon brain switched on

Sooo the Easter break is coming to an end, and we have been blessed with sunshine for the last week that makes you think THANK GOODNESS IT'S SPRING!!

We had a fab Easter, Binged on faaaaaaarrrrr too much chocolate, and have enjoyed our time together.

We have also had a very very busy fortnight, and we have filed it with a bit of allsorts! We have done egg hunts (many) we have had a 'chalk' day (Lets just say my garden and fence are very colourful until we get some rain!) We have been out for walks and scooter rides (Miss Funky on foot as I am yet to get a scooter, BUT i think i will one day. They seem such fun and i'm missing out on it), We have painted, cut and pasted, and done many a thing to stop the dreaded "Im bored".

We have had MANY of a pony afternoon, and also a worrying time when we thought that Sparky (The kids pony) was in foal as i havent had her that long and well lets say over this last few weeks she seemed to get VERY BIG . . . VERY QUICK!! And she had us all thinking she was in need of maternity leave from her childcare duties and summer of fun planned. BUT after a vet check (poor pony) haha GULP !! It seems that it is EXERCISE she needs!! She even had the vet fooled, she was sure looking at her the way it was all on her belly and seemed to move to one side. BUT NOPE . . .  NO FOAL Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!! We really are relieved because we are in no position to offer 3 ponies a home, and its all a big worry a baby on the way.  But nope now i may plan an exercise regime and our spring and summer can carry on as planned. We want to get to grips with Horse Agility and lots of fun with that. Also I'm really looking forward to teaching the children to ride, and they are at a brilliant age where the lessons can be structured around fun and fun and

 erm . . .FUN :) Oooo PONY FUN, BEST KIND OF FUN. Can't wait for the children to enjoy it too.
And Sparky is perfect for them, and they are bonding lovely in the few month we have had her.

This pony is just such a sweety too, She is so quiet and lovely natured.

Lets not forget the MAIN MAN though . . He is growing up soooo quick. He is casting his coat at the moment so he resembles a tatty teddy but he does look much cleaner because under all them colours there is a white coat hahaha !!

So this weekend we are going to be spending getting our brains back into gear for work and school.  The children are going to do a little story about their Easter break and draw a few pictures. And I have been doodling some ideas, and writing down ideas ready to get going with the second book in my SSCMH book series. I have also had a bit of a play with my remaining paints on a painting for my very good friend who has helped me alot and has been an absolute star in many ways. I wanted to give her something special to say thankyou, She loves sheep so i knew what i wanted to create it was just not something i normally do or have done . . .A challange,


 So challenged I was and created it became well EVENTUALLY after many Grrrrr's n Rrrrrrr's and other things in between hahaha.

Meet Larry the sheep (Named by my good friend Kay)

The children are back to school on Tuesday so i will be back to the drawing/writing board
VERY SOON. Until then im soaking up the sun, and enjoying the time out in it while i can. APPARENTLY RAIN IS DUE :( Never mind, we have had a good week of almost a summer in spring so we cannot complain. Soon the days will hopefully stay warm and dry and the days are longer so that means more time to enjoy OUTSIDE in that great mind clearer called the fresh air and countryside :)

Well i'm off to hit my pillows hard with my head, im dragging my feet round i feel so tired tonight. But soon i shall be sitting for many hours so I will not complain about that either <3

Catch you all soon, Enjoy your GeeGee's and that uplifting thing 
called SUNSHINE <3 Miss Funky

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