Sunday 22 March 2015

Wow and what a weekend

So Sunday night and all is quiet upon the FUNKY household :)

Its been a very emotional weekend. COR BLIMEY HAS IT!! From Friday onwards has been a rollercoaster of every emotion rolled into one big round bale and then rolled down a big steep hill.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . . . .

 . . . But here I am and it is Sunday night and I'm sat with a smile still upon my face and i'm wondering actually how to stop smiling so much because my cheeks are beginning to hurt :D 
But smile i must as i am so proud to see them googley eyed ponies out there in the big wide world :) I hope many enjoy their story as it unfolds.

I have read it over and over and the HIGHLIGHT OF MY WEEKEND has been to sit with the children and read it to them on their tablet. Mini Funky grasped the story really well, He said that it was about the ponies of the world teaching children how to be caring and loving. How there would be plenty carrots to share with EVERYONE.  He said if the boys and girls are naughty then the ponies are naughty. And Ponies are REALLY REALLY FUNNY (Yes I think we can all agree there can't we) Baby Funky is a little young to quite grasp it yet but She enjoyed the rhythm to the story and she giggled at the illustrations which as a Mum brings tears straight to your eyes, when your children sit next to you snuggled in tight and you are reading them YOUR story on a tablet  OMG I'm just rather overwhelmed with emotions and pride i think would be the words!! 

 So lots of giggles have been had. As well as some amazing messages of encouragement from some special people who have shared my adventure as i chased my dream. So everytime i have opened my inbox i have had to make sure that i have tissues next to me at the ready, i'm just blown away by everyone's response. THANKYOU SO MUCH TO YOU ALL.

So i'm going to give myself a couple of weeks off to enjoy the Easter holidays with the children and to spend some time with the Ponies hopefully with Mr Sunshine wearing his big bold hat like He has today, It has been a beautiful day and I even seen my first ladybird this year . . . .SPRING COMING SOON TO A GARDEN NEAR YOU :D 

So after the Easter break I shall be getting back to the drawing board and back with the pen and paper and i will be trying to pull all these ideas wizzing round like a merry go round into some form ready for the second book i have planned in the series.  

So a little creative break to let my brain recover some. Although it is not a complete creative break as I have just been informed tonight by Baby Funky that she wants me to enter the parent egg decorating competition!!  Soooo tomorow i shall be busy busy boiling eggs and making them into something GREAT. Hmmmmm I'm yet to decide what and Baby Funky cannot make up her mind.  So GREAT isn't too GREAT at the moment but I am ever hopeful for some Eggy brainwave to come of some 3D masterpiece :)  I will keep you informed on how it goes :)

Well I'm off now to make a cuppa, put my feet up and watch some TV I have a busy week ahead with end of term stuff before the Easter break and I would like to try and organize my hazard zone . . .

 . . . I mean HOUSE ready for them to probably just turn upside down and inside out whilst they are off. But hey ho that's just how it goes!

Catch up soon <3 Miss Funky.

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