Thursday 16 August 2018

Well that went badly didn't it?

So my last post's were all 'KINDA' FUNKY and POSITIVE.

Full of optimism, and pride for what had once been.

I made a promise and I failed to follow it through. 

I am deeply sorry for that.

The truth is I am creatively STRUGGLING. Well actually struggling is an understatement. Creativity was something that I needed to do, a calling, as natural to me as taking a breath. I suppose now without it, it is like suffocating. And it's scary. Like wondering if one could ever breathe again, I wonder if i will ever create in the way i did. Naturally, not forced. I am looking back at what seemed easy and wondering why now it seems SO HARD?? 

It's not the lack of trying. CRIKEY. I have tried, Many a time. And sometimes it works, it looks like what it's suppose to be . . . Except it lacks the FUNKY that once i could see and feel with each stroke of the pencil or brush.  That excitement, BUZZ, ENERGY. What it was I lived for. Each day.

I spend so much time now looking at wonky lines, out of proportion features and the wrong mixture of colours. It's just not working for me. How I so dearly wish it would. 

BUT I still feel it. That has to count for something, Right? It's faint. Very faint. The memories a little blured. But I do remember the buzz i felt, the crazy hand that HAD TO BRING CREATIONS TO LIFE. The way i looked at the world in cartoon form.
 Mishaps made into funny memories. Memories made into cartoon form. When we are children almost everything feels this way. Like a cartoon. Everything exciting. Bright colours that remind us of things, times, places. As adults we become desensitized to those 'perfect colourful memories' everything can easily become black and white with shades of grey. Colour is something we rarely notice. Unlike childhood when the smallest things seem colourful and are worth noting. And i felt so blessed to be able to see things in such humorous form, bring a simple thing to life with a FUNKY twist. Storymaking with my Funky GeeGee creations. And also meeting some fantastic people and their horses and ponies along the way and having the privalage to bring their best friends to life in FUNKY form. 

I think it is all these memories that keep driving me to try. I am filling in what used to be creative time with family life and my pets. I love each day I am surrounded by each of them. I am also horse riding and spending times with horses as regularly as i can. I'm surrounded some days by 'horsey people' 'Brilliant, lovely people' and I am forever thankful for this too. But there is that missing peice. I'm sure other people can relate to. And I NEED IT BACK! I really really need it back.

For now I look through my portfolio of older works. They do inspire me, as well as dishearten me. But the mixture of both emotions gives me the will to KEEP TRYING. KEEP DREAMING and somehow KEEP BELIEVING it WILL come back!!

Thankyou all for bearing with me. 
Here is a few of my older works to share for now. ENJOY
To see more please browse Galleries or past blog post's.

LOVE ~ Miss Funky xxx

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