HELLO . . . So the Summer has ended and WOW what fun we have managed to squeeze into it, Just the Kids and Ponies and spending time with all those people who are really important to me. Especially my BESTEST friend (You know who you are <3 ). We even had a seaside trip away for the weekend to Whitley Bay and the weather couldn't of been better!! We LOVE going to Whitley Bay EVERY YEAR . . . It is something we have done every year since Mini Funky was a tiny Baby, and we have continued to visit every Summer now with Baby Funky too. It is one of those places that just fills you with a sense of peace.
Whitley Bay ~ St Mary's lighthouse
We still manage some time after school to fit in a quick hack, or a short lesson. But the nights are quickly drawing in and well soon it will be weekends only for the Mini Funky's :(
They have been learning about safety and low light, and we ensure that we can be seen when we are out on a hack.
Baby Funky and Sparky
So what have I been keeping my busy fingers doing whilst the kids are at school? . . .
. . . Well it took me about 2 weeks to get the house back to what resembled a family home, instead of the Alladin's cave that it had become (Although it was not treasure you would find, more likely an odd sock or empty juice carton. Look hard enough you will probably find a stale biscuit and maybe a half packet of crisps!). I have however managed to squeeze in some time for a nice hack out on my friends pony Toby, and do some lunging and longreining with Sparky to try and keep her in shape.
I'm failing miserably, and need to up her work some more and i've had to seriously restrict her intake of this lush Autumn grass we seem to have, Even Smurf has had to come in for a few hours to eat some hay and take a break for the seemingly PREMIUM GRASS GROWTH we have going on at the moment. We have very gassy GeeGee's on our yard at the moment!
Out for a hack looking over the countryside surrounding us.
I have also been keeping my creative brain active with some busy book work, I had the rough draft done, i just needed to read it and let the story flow to me (Well after a whole pack of jaffa cakes and an un-countable amount of coffee, but it came!) once written, it was that vital proofreading and basic edit stage, the stage where a short book becomes a feature length novel, and then of course you have the next installment and the installment after that rattling around up there too. As i am reading my manuscript i have ideas of pictures wizzing round that i have to quickly sketch down the idea before another takes its place. It's very busy in Miss Funky's brain at the moment, but things are moving forward and productive and I have to say i cannot wait to get cracking building this book up and seeing it come to life. It was so amazing the first time, the journey, the learning, the experience, the imaginative freedom to live in the Funky GeeGee world through my book creation. The frustrations, the tears and the tantrums which somehow all came together and i released my first book ~
The truth about PONIES. And i cannot WAIT to share the second installment with you all in the near future. I shall share my journey, share my joys, and no doubt STILL tears and tantrums, however maybe milder? . . .I have to remind myself :
Above all believe i can do it, and it will get done!!
And on that note i am off to bed to dream it's process,
Night all xx
LOVE ~ Miss Funky <3
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