Saturday, 27 June 2015

Summer Holiday HERE WE COME!

Hello, hope everyone is ok :) 

 We are all ok here in FUNKY towers !!  This year seems to be zoooooming by!! It only seems 2 mins since new year and here we are going to find ourselves very shortly in the middle of the summer!! WOW. But we have not been blessed with the best of the weather and it is really annoying because it spoils a good day when the wind feels -2 degrees yet the sun is trying to be 20!! And although the grass is thriving, my flowers in the garden are only just starting to flower, the strawberry plants are slowly getting their flowers and the weeds well they are having a blast!!

So how are the GeeGee's?

Well they are doing great, Smurf is filling out lovely and although two next month he looks like a well rounded yearling, I knew when i first got him that he was going to need that extra love and care as he was only a few weeks old and needed his mum at this vital time in his life but unfortunatly things turned bad for him and if it hadn't of been for fate then he would not be here today.  What a shame as he is such a beautiful pony!!!
Smurf chocolate buttons ~ Rising 2 years.

 I will leave him until he is around 5 years old before i do anything with him really.  Until then he is slowly learning how to be a horse as he has spent so much time baby with me as his support, now he needs to learn to be part of a herd!! Bless him this has not been without its difficulties but im hopeful that we have it sorted now and as long as Sparky pony (kids little pony) is there with him he is fine.  However Sparky pony has got too fat and ive had to take her out and pop her in fat paddock with another chunky monkey so smurf now has only his new friends to rely on and cant hug sparky (Im sure she is glad of the break).

Both ponies have new fly rugs :

Both now . . . .Hmmmmmmmm, Rug fairies APPARENTLY??

Well I am not sure about that!! But PONIES will be PONIES and well i suppose it comes with the territory!! But COME ON?!!

So what else have we been up to apart from sitting listening to different takes on where the rug fairies come from?? 

Well there has been plenty riding, lots of poop picking and a whole heap of washing!! But as for creativeness, well not so much.  I have started researching for my next book but so far words have not appeared in a cohesive way in shape of a book ready to illustrate, but it will!!

In the meantime i have been playing in the form of teaching the kids the joys of PONY OWNING!! We have done a little bit of everything and well progress is very good and based around fun and having fun :)  

As you can see we have filled in the summer that we have kind of had so far with 'something'.  It has been hard trying to fit it in because the weather really hasn't been on our side at all, but we have tried to forgive it and do what we can when we can, and well we are seeing progress and well an increasingly plump pony!! So much so that i have had to start riding her so that we can shift a few of them extra calories!! Really tough to do if your only 8 years old but i can get her out further and in different places and school her and i also longrein her alot too just to keep her fitness up because she really NEEDS it!!

 Out hacking bless her she loved it  we went through the woods <3

Cartooning/illustration anything???

nope BUT i have planned some for the near future, I shall probably get some cartooning squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezed into the next few weeks, I am hopeing to be inspired by our first little show next month. Eeeeeeeek im so nervous, the kids are so excited and the pony . . .She is BEAUTIFUL <3 

Im really anxious about it, im trying to get myself together so im not flapping, i have been loaned some beautiful things for the kids to wear on the day, and my Sister has bought me a beautiful jacket to wear.  My partner is excited to come and watch and see how the kids have progressed, he is coming armed with the camera to capture our precious memories.  YIKES im just like jelly on a plate, but im trying to get everything together WELL AND TRUELLY in advance!! So all i needed was couple of ties that im going to dress up with diamontees, ive got a lovely browband borrowed from friend it is red, blue and silver so ties will come in with that.  Also Baby Funky will wear little pigtails (Awwwwwww CUTE ALERT) matching little Sparkys browband :D Awwwwwww :)  Both little Funkies are going to look MEGA cute, and Sparky pony hopefully will be shiny clean on the day, and she is naturally just GORGEOUS (I know im biast). We have been practicing hard, and Sparky has been testing us every time with her over exuberance when it comes to food . . . . Cheeky cheeky!! PONIES HUH???

We have moved to a new yard, we moved a few months agao and both ponies have settled so well, its like we have been there all along.  The people on the yard have very quickly become friends and are really lovley people who all have beautiful horses and enjoy doing the things that we enjoy.  Horse agility is new to us, and also new to the others on the yard and yet we have all had a go and enjoyed it and im looking forward to the future here and how we can all progress and have loads of fun with it.  There are some beautiful horses on the yard, I get the opportunity to ride a few of them and i feel so privileged to be able to have this opportunity now.  It all feels like it was meant to be, i have learned a few harsh lessons throught he process and learned that things can change.  But sometimes as scary as the change is, as hurtful as it seems . .. . Better things come, a new route, a new pathway to lead you closer to your true heart and your passion.  I feel so much happyer now, and the ponies are THRIVING!! Smurf is getting so grown up now, he is loosing all his baby traits and part of a herd now means some of the natural instincts he lacked he has gained.  He is slowly learning how to be HORSE and Sparky is busy teaching the kids HORSEMANSHIP.  All in all we are having an AMAZING TIME.  Both ponies are looking really well and im feeling very much OPTIMISTIC about the future with my Young Potential Equestrians!! Memories to last a lifetime!!

Catch up very soon <3 Miss Funky xxx

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